The power of questions
As a mentor sometimes you offer suggestions, and local/current reps also might issue instructions to your mentee. But the most powerful process in mentoring is non-directive: it is based on asking excellent questions – especially when there is a Gordian Knot of a predicament that cannot be untied, and so must be cut instead.
Here are some ways to explore issues from new and productive angles:
Perspective: from … | Example of questions |
Afar | Is this the right issue to be addressing? |
Above (Super-Ego) | How would you explain this to a person strongly affected by your decision? |
Left (logic) | What does your head tell you? |
Right (emotion) | What does your heart tell you? |
Behind (the past) | Which route is most consistent with your life/values/success formula so far? |
In front (the future) | How does this fit with your picture of where you want your community to be? |
Below (fears) | Are you operating out of fear; is this good? |
(Imagined) retrospect | Imagine you have already chosen the course of action – now tell me why you chose it? |
Someone else’s point of view | How would he/she/your community etc react? [or want you to react?] |
Other powerful questions examples
- What do you want?
- What’s holding you back?
- What is it costing you to continue holding back?
- How do you want to change your mind’s programming on that topic?
- What new habits will you put in place to fortify your new mindset?
- What is the most meaningful action you could take now?
- What new skills or support from the community will ensure your success?
Anatomy of a Powerful Question
All powerful questions:
- Come from a place of genuine curiosity.
- Are direct, simple and usually open-ended.
- Generate creative thinking and surface underlying information.
- Encourage self reflection.
Credit: material is adapted from here.