Governance Structure

The reps program is managed by Mozillians (volunteers and paid staff) for Mozillians. The program's organizational structure ensures that the program runs efficiently, transparently, and in a participative/collaborative way. 

The structure of the reps program includes: 

The Council

The Council is the program’s 9-members governing body composed of 2 permanently appointed Staff members and 7 elected volunteers who serve a 12-month term. Elections are held every 6 months. The Council is tasked to ensure that the Mozilla Reps program runs smoothly, oversees the governance and finances of the program and serves as an advisory body within the Mozilla organization. 

The Reps mentors

Mentors provide mentorship and guidance to Reps to ensure that they are successful and fulfilling their responsibilities. All Reps who have finished the onboarding process can take the Coaching Training. As a new rep, you will be soon assigned your own mentor! 

Your mentor will be able to help you to figure out what activities you want to take on, how to successfully complete them, as well as to help you set up your first event.

The Reps Peers

Reps peers are responsible to hold the Council accountable to their tasks. They also offer context, strategic thinking and historical memory to the reps program. They are appointed by the Module owner. 

Module owner

At Mozilla, every module has a “module owner”:  the person to whom leadership of a module’s work has been delegated. As Reps is one of Mozilla modules, the current Module owner is Ioana Chiorean

The reps resources

The Resources Track is the track for Reps who wish to empower their communities (be it local/regional or functional) by enabling them to request resources that the Reps program has. These reps are trained to help communities and plan strategically on how they use these resources.

This ensures that the resources (budget and others) of the program are used in the most impactful way possible, according to the guidance provided by Mozilla’s strategy and the Council.

Reps resources will help you submit a budget request for your events. They will help you make sure that your events meet the criteria to receive resources, and that you are giving the review team in charge of evaluating your budget request the information they need. 

The onboarding team

You already met them! The onboarding team takes care of the selection process for new reps, as well as the onboarding process. 

So, how does all this help you? Knowing the structure of the reps program is important so that you know who to ask for information, and who to talk to if you have ideas on how to bring the reps program and the Mozilla Mission forward!

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